Breaking Out of Old Patterns

Why is it so hard to break old patterns and create lasting change in our lives?  The yogis tell us despite our best conscious intentions it is our UNconscious that is responsible. The unconscious holds the operating system from which we experience our lives. Those subtle energies and stories we hold to be true for ourselves.

It is that unconscious that makes us snap when triggered, reacting to situations instead responding. It’s our unconscious that conveniently finds the reason why we “can’t” or “shouldn’t today”. The unconscious is said to reside in the second energy center, or chakra, known as Svadistana. In the physical body this energy center is held in the pelvic bowl. It roots down into the first center (muladara) at the pelvic floor, legs and feet.

As the hips and backs of the legs in our physical body tighten our energetic body becomes locked as well. We get stuck in the pull of our obsessions and repulsions, the list of situations, people, places, and activities that we find acceptable shrinks and we become locked in the patterns and habits that seemingly appear to be who we are.

By practicing the poses that activate and balance these energy centers regularly you can loosen up the grip of your unconscious tendencies, freeing yourself up from the patterns that bind you and keep that inner light shining through. A few of my top picks to open the hips and release the backs of the legs:


Downward Facing Dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana)


Reclined Hand to foot (Supta Padangustasana)


Pigeon (Eka Pada Rajakapatanasana) or Reclined Ankle to Knee


Squat (Malasana)

Of course doing a yoga pose is not a magic pill. It takes daily practice and a willingness to stare down those inner demons as they surface. Eventually you may even welcome the recognition of those deeply held patterns as an opportunity to grow and evolve.  Imagine that!

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